Logo AVALANCHE generasi pertama Pernah denger band bernama Still Remains? Still Remains adalah band metalcore dari Michigan. Di albu...

Still Remains - Avalanche

Logo AVALANCHE generasi pertama

Pernah denger band bernama Still Remains? Still Remains adalah band metalcore dari Michigan. Di albumnya yang berjudul The Serpent, mereka membuat lagu yang berjudul Avalanche. Judul lagu ini diambil dari nama kelompok yang menentang Shin-Ra di Final Fantasy VII, liriknya pun banyak menggunakan istilah yang familiar di game tersebut. Berikut ini adalah liriknya:

Wishing, someone would break my legs.
A burden, too heavy to bare.
I've tasted the lips of the Ancients
and witnessed the fall of hope.

Like saviors to the planet,
we have risen,
taking out anyone in our path.
Infiltrate the heart of the enemy
as they suck the stream of life.

From the decapitation of Jenova
to the drowning of Aeris.
Don't come even a little bit closer
or I'll show you what this ultimate weapon
Is capable of.

Infecting, Infecting our SOLDIERs.
Petty experiments solely to find
the strongest breed of chaos
to further corrupt our world.

From the decapitation of Jenova
to the drowning of Aeris.
Don't come even a little bit closer
or I'll show you what this ultimate weapon
is capable of.

From the decapitation of Jenova
to the drowning of Aeris.
Don't come even a little bit closer
or I'll show you what this ultimate weapon
is capable of.

Wishing, someone would break my legs.
A burden, too heavy to bare.
I've tasted the lips of the Ancients
and witnessed the fall of hope.
Walaupun lirik lagu ini banyak mengambil referensi dari FFVII, tapi dari segi musikalitas, musiknya tidak ada hubungannya dengan soundtrack FFVII ^^a kalau mau denger lagunya, bisa download disini: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/shared/downloads/StillRemains/11%20Avalanche.mp3

cheers~ \w/

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