Finding Treasures! (Source: Private documentation)  Hello. Today I would like to post a table which I think would be very useful i...

Finding Treasures: English Vocabulary Grinding

Finding Treasures! (Source: Private documentation) 

Hello. Today I would like to post a table which I think would be very useful in helping English teacher especially in teaching young learners. This table is one of the assignments the lecturer gave me when I took the English Teaching to Young Learners course.

Part of speech
When do I use it?
Sentence example
How to remember it?
A field with grass and often wild flower in it.
When teaching about places, plants or animals.

The zebras are running on the meadows
Imagining a scene from a game, imagining grass and herbivores
an area of low land between hills or mountains
When teaching about stones, camping, or  scenery.

There is a beautiful scenery on that valley
Imagining a space between two mountains
of some animals to spend the winter sleeping
When teaching about seasons, especially winter.

Polar bears hibernate in winter
Imagining polar bears, winter, sleeping, and snow.
the regular movement or sound that the heart makes as it sends blood
When storytelling, or teaching anything which is related to suspense or feeling.

Luna’s heartbeat grows faster and faster.
Trying to feel my own heartbeat, or imagining a thrilling event.

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