"What is creativity?" "Have you ever created anything?" "Do you make things – if so in what medium?" ...


"What is creativity?"

"Have you ever created anything?"

"Do you make things – if so in what medium?"

"Do you use your imagination, or make things with your hands?"

"Are you interested in nature – do you ever watch an ant, or butterfly or leaf?"

What is Creativity and What Does it Mean to Me?

The followings are opinions expressed by year seven schoolgirls at Fort Street Girls’ High School, average age twelve

Susan: “Creativity is something made up by your mind. Design and inventions are all part of creations.”

Margaret: “Creativity means a considerable amount to me as I have an interest in art and designing. I love doing art with the brightest colors and strangest shapes.”

Susanne: “To create is to make things with your hands or imagination like making patterns with shells. A dream is creating something. Creating can be anything you make up yourself.”

Camille: “To create is to concentrate on something by closing your eyes and expressing what you feel.”

Lynne: “Creativity means to me to be able to let yourself go and use your imagination, for instance as a ‘witch’ or a ‘seaweed floating in water’.”

Kay : “You must have ideas and feelings.”

Elizabeth: “Dancers create dances. Creativity comes from the soul. You can’t really see it at first, it just emerges.”

Joan: “Creativity doesn’t really mean anything to me because I haven’t really time to create anything.”

Poppy: “Creativity is a wonderful thing. You can shut your eyes and think of something that you like and try to be it or design it on mud or sand. Many times the design might be hard to draw but it would be fun trying to be it. Creativity is not a set subject but it’s your own imagination.”

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