1) When you and a bunch of your
friends sneak into the White House to kidnap the president's daughter, thinking
that she was Princess Garnet
2) When you get in a fight, you
try to steal from the other person
3) When you take a hiking trip in
the forest looking for Yans
4) You throw bottles at your
friends and wonder why it doesn't heal them
5) When you ask your teddy bear
if he'll save your game
6) You go up to short people and
say Rally-ho!
7) Your sister turns 16 and you
try to extract Eidolons from her.
8) You get a large chicken and
try to make it fly
9) You search for Save the Queen
on e-bay
10) You challenge your friends to
a festival hoping that you'll win a date with your crush.
11) You go to the pet store/zoo
and ask to see a Chocobo.
12) When you take a look at a map
of the Earth and ask yourself, ''Say, wasn't Mist Continent supposed to be
13) You have a friend who always
carries around a hammer.
14) You run aroud with wing
things on your back, and say "I'm a summoner"
15) You give your dog an extra
mouthand and say you found Cerberus at Ipsen’s Castle.
16) You think an elephant is the
real Queen Brahne.
17) You have a monkey tail above
your butt and say you are Zidane.
18) You mutate to a female rat
and call yourself Freya.
19) When you actually make Kuja's
costume and you wear it to anime cons
20) You dress up your brother
with a thong, a dress, and some makeup and call him Kuja.
21) You put your white cat in
your dress and call her Mog
22) You tell your mom that you
want to take the Hilda Garde 3 to school
23) You walk up to someone and
ask them to play Tetra Master.
24) You sing/hum Melodies of Life
when you’re sad.
25) You take a picture of Garnet
and Zidane to your biology teacher and ask "If these two have kids, will
their kids have tails and blond hair?"
26) When you try to rename your
girfriend as "Dagger"
27) When you feed your white cat
nuts and wonder why it continuously chokes
28) When you meet a little orphan
girl who hangs around white cats and ask her to summon Eidolons
29) You make a small fort in your
backyard, dress up white cats as Moogles, and convince your friends it’s the
hidden Mognet Central. Proclaim there’s a letter waiting from them with Mogiki,
30) You look for a frog and 3 Potions
and try to change the frog back to its original form.
31) You go to the Grocery Store
and ask where they keep their Potions/Pheonix Downs and etc.
32) You think the monkeys at the
zoo are Genomes.
33) You buy a silver eyepatch and
walk around casting Stock Break everywhere.
34) You go to an aircraft show
and ask where the Invincible and Hilda Garde 3 are docked.
35) You go walk through the
forest and deliberately kill animals to level up yourself.
36) When you name your dog Fenrir
37) When you spend all year
growing a semi-afro and moustache, die them both dark red and put "Flaming"
in front of your name via deed poll
38) You walk into a library and
ask where Dr. Tot was
39) You go to the bank and try to
exchange your money for gil
40) When you head out into your
backyard with a shovel and start lookin’ for Chocographs.
41) You walk into everyone's home
and start searching the whole place for potions and items. And they don't mind.
42) After wearing the same outfit
for several weeks, you refuse to wear it ever again because you are convinced
that it won't teach you new ability
43) When you ask everyone in the
neighborhood, ''Where can I find another Moonstone?''
44) Every sentence ends with a “Kupo!”
45) After a bully beats you up,
you wonder why you don't go into Trance mode.
46) You put black make-up on your
face to look like Vivi
47) You start sticking pieces of
cloth in the back of your pants, and when your friend asks what it is you say
it is a tail
48) You wear huge collars around
your wrists
49) You try to eat your pet
because you think it will teach you a new spell
50) Same as above, but you try to
cook your pet.
51) You ask a clerk at the
clothing store for something that teaches Fire.
52) You wonder how planes can fly
without mist.
53) You take two knives into a
shop and ask them to synthesize them into a Theif Sword.
54) You want to pull a joke on
someone so you try looking for some Oglops to scare them with.
55) Every time you see a blue
light you think it leads to your real home.
56) You think hurricanes are
caused by some giant eyeball ship in the sky
57) You were raised by some guy
with whose name starts with the letter Q, has huge tounge, and who philosophizes
about food all the time.
58) You don't kill flowers
because you're mortally afraid you'll be petrified.
59) You ask the drama teacher if
your school can perform ''I Want to Be Your Canary''
60) You think rats live in
61) When you kill animals at the
zoo because you're competing in the Festival of the Hunt.
62) When a bounty hunter tries to
kill you, you ask him to be your friend.
63) When you use Zidane's ''lines''
to try and get girls. And then you're surprised when they don't work out
64) You eat frogs because you
think they’re good
65) You run around with a huge
66) You wear a blue jacket with a
pointy hat
67) You say ''Judgement Bolt!'' and
wait for a guy with a beard to come
68) You make rusty armor and wear
it to school
69) You go whale-hunting so you
can find the acclaimed ''Whale Whisker''
70) You make a black ball and
name it Dark Matter
71) You use that black ball and
try to summon Odin
72) You kill your family and try
to use Phoenix Down
73) You find a big tree and name
it the Iifa Tree
74) You ask your science teacher
where planet Gaia and Terra are
75) You wear a ruby and then
steal you friend’s rabbit then you try to cast Carbuncle
76) You walk around the house
waiting to see if an exclamation point appears above your head.
77) You run around with a dagger
trying to steal from people
78) You get mad when they call
the police, then you call the police officer “Rusty”
79) You speak of the days aboard
the Prima Vista.
80) When you turn 16, you run
90) You buy an oversized hat and
put yellow glowsticks around your eye, go into the freezer and attempt to find
a hidden passage.
100) You paste a bushy moustache
on a cockroach and call it Cid.
101) You go to the mall with
three friends and comment on how it’s bigger than Alexandria.
102) You go to a coin shop and
ask if they have any Stellazio in their possesion.
103) When walking through a
forest path you try to give the animals a peice of tin.
104) When it doesn’t work you
yell, “Damn, it must've wanted a Lapis Lazuli”
105) You called NASA and asked
them to officially rename the moon Terra.
106) When you walk into someone’s
house and look through all of their stuff for Potions.
107) When the police come and
take you away, you say, “Kuja put you up to this, didn’t he?”
108) You throw things that are on
fire around and tell people that it's your trance attack.
109) You ask why your white cat
doesn’t have pink wings
110) You go to sears and ask
where they keep the Excalibur?
111) When your friends ask you,
“What's your favorite song?” you answer, Boss Battle Theme from FFIX!”
112) When you constantly take a
look at yourself in the mirror just to check your EXP and abilities.
113) You go to Chinatown, tear
down all the signs and billboards, cut off each “letter” one by one, and chuck them
at your enemies, claiming they have been hit by Grand Lethal.
114) You start trying to flee
everyone from your town thinking Queen Brahne is going to annihilate it sooner
or later.
115) You form a gang called The
Pluto Knights or Tantalus or even Dragon Knights
116) You go around asking people
to give you a fork because you eat a lot of frogs.
117) You can't resist putting
little purple balls you made out of construction
paper on the top of any tall trees, then you hum Skirmish of the Silver Dragons
118) You take a big stick, go up
to your enemy, say “Firaga!” then sing the victory dance and tell him over and
over that he has to fall over dead because you hit him with a giant pillar of
buahahahahahaha (evil laugh)